Thursday, October 23, 2008

Julia Fusco
s.s N.H.D.
Thesis Statement: N.H.D.

Andy Warhol’s Soup: More Than Meets the Eye

During the 1960s there were new ideas and change is society.A change in art was pop art. He made people think about art in a new way Andy Warhol, great individual in art history, was the man who came up with the idea of Pop Art. Some people wanted paintings of what they saw in their everyday life. That is what Andy Warhol painted, things he saw in every day life. For example, he painted soup cans because they were what he had for lunch. There were critics who did not like the idea of painting things that were considered unimportant. People asked him “is this considered art?” He threw the question back in their face by saying “Why isn’t it art?” Warhol had an unusual personality and his look stood out, and he that became known to people around the world. He was know for taking portraits of famous people, like Marilyn Monroe, and changed the color of it and did it over so that you notice parts of that painting. He liked to have repetition in his art. He took modern art to the next level by painting the things people would never think of as art; and by turning the question” is that painting art” around. . He influenced new modern art such as Rene Margritte or people who paint things that do not make sense or are not real. Because of Warhol, the definition of art is expanded.

My N.H.D Annotations for andy Warhol (year 2)

Andy Warhol
Annotated Bibliography and Notes

Julia Fusco NHD

Ergas, G Aimee Artists from Michael Angelo to Maya Lin New York international Thomson publishing company. 1995 Checked 10/9/08
This book gives the basic facts a person needs to know to do a project about Andy Warhol. In this case N.H.D. It gives good quotes, which are useful on the exhibit board or for a play. The book also gives unknown facts; that people would be interested in knowing. For example, Andy Warhol was so mysterious that no one really knows his birthday. Another fact is his parents were immigrants from Czechoslovakia. This book talks a little bit about his child hood. Then it goes in to his young adult life and how he worked for fashion magazines. It goes in to more detail about his artwork and his later work.

Gorman Greg The Warhol Collections The Carnegie museum of Pittsburgh checked2008 the Andy Warhol museum legal information 10/10/08 http//
This site shows Andy’s self-portrait. His hair is everywhere His hair looks like colored feathers he looks serious. There is a stripe of blue and yellow paint on his eyes. There is a zigzag stripe of blue and green on his mouth, his upper forehead and hair is dark blue the rest of his face is turquoise. I can use this on the exhibit board to show he thought untraditionally and what pop art looks like. On the home page is an image of a boy on a bus pressing his hand to the window at girl looks at him affectionately. There are images of coming up exhibits.

The Andy Warhol foundation for the visual arts Inc Checked 10/10/08 http// 2002
The site has a picture of a Campbell’s soup can with the label pealing off. Then there’s another picture of just part of the label. The last image is of a regular soup can with the lid coming off. This site gives a lot of biographical information. This is good for a side note/
Side bar of the exhibit board. The site talks about the shows he had for his art the site talks about how he was shot but he did not die for the bullet. He still painted afterward. That show s something a person in this case Andy Warhol did in history plus “invent pop art” this site pretty much mentioned most of his life (except his young childhood) and gave the years of the events too.

Andy Warhol wikipedia .org October 13 2008
wikimedia foundation Inc checked October 12 2008 whttp//
This site gave many unknown facts. Facts that weren’t in the books I had looked at or the other website. It went in to great detail about his childhood and his sexuality, religion, death films, music and his dramatic works of art. It talks about an illness he had. An individual that got over an illness should be known in most cases. Especially if the illness was serious. (He was shot and survived that is serious and worth being known. This site gave a wide range of facts about Andy Warhol. It talked about his young childhood; it gave the years such as his early career, the 1960s, when he was shot, the 1970 his religious beliefs, how and when he died, it went on to talk about his paintings, films, music, media and books.

Robert Hughes Andy Warhol (1928-1987) American visions checked October 13 2008 http//
This site had a couple facts. This website compared the way Monet painted with the way Warhol painted. For example, Monet used shadows; because they were there in the scene and to show how light changed over time Warhol didn’t use shadows at all Warhol’s paintings show sameness. (Except for the label on the soup cans.) This site also had images of Andy Warhol’s paintings I would use them on the exhibit board. Compare his work to Monet’s work. The site talked about 1961-1962 the years he did the soup cans. For the most part the site is repitive. It did have a list of paintings he did at the bottom of the page. This site had the cow wallpaper I am going to use that on the background of the exhibit board.

Sayre, Henry, Cave paintings to Picasso: the Scoop on50 Art Masterpieces chronicle books LLC San Francisco California2004 checked 10/19/08
On the side of the page there is a time line from1000 B.C. to 2000 A.D there is an asterisks around the 2000 to represent the 1960’s, which is when Andy Warhol painted his artwork. On the second page there is a painting of one of his Campbell’s soup cans the lid is open and the number19c the flavor is Beef Noodle. The first sentence in the book said that Andy Warhol considered a soup can an all American still life. This book focused on the soup phase of Andy’s life that’s what it mainly talked about. The books said people thought his art looked like billboard ads. Andy turned the view of art around. It was useful that it talked about the soup cans in great detail and how he turned art around. That is important to my N.H.D project.

Friday, October 17, 2008

the art of andy Warhol and my choosing

Here is why i chose andy warhol. originally i wanted to do my project on Erin Gruel. she was the teacher to the kids who wrote the freedom writers, but the issue was she is too modern. Our teacher gave us a paper on N.H.D's topic for this year. It mentioned an artist; this made me think of doing an artist for my project.I wanted to do an artist but not the one mentioned in the paper.I decided to do Andy Warhol. The reason I chose andy Warhol are;I like his art, there are debates about whether his paintings are art.(I thought that would make a good point in my presentation). The judges would hopefully be interested in the debate of "are his paintings art. Secondly, I thought they would like that this person is not typical for N.H,D. The competitors usually do people such as, Theodore Roosevelt,Martin Luther king jr. Amelia Airheart. one of the presidents. The third 3rd reason I chose him is he started pop art.i think when your t he person who started something you are important and trying to make a clear statement. That is why i chose andy warhol.

the art of andya arhol and my choosing