Thursday, April 16, 2009

personality follow up

what l learned about ISFJ's/ guardians
we like to read about real life s stories when researching we write known facts first then new fact.
our greek god is epimethius his name means after thought.
it means introverted, sensing,feeling, and judging. we are quiet, look at the world around us we feel and try to resolve conflicts.we think before we do.
jobs we could do are medical work, teaching,or a social worker.

animal is golden retriever because it's protective but still calm. I think another reason is their loyal.
they could be a physcologist, medical workers for a job or a teacher. (The presentors said they thought they would like to be those jobs.)
They're category is teacher they want to teach/help their friends.
some of the famous people who are idealists are Barak Obama, Oprah, bill Cosby.

rationals/ :
The like to work on problem solving like a math problem.
They are very strong willed which means they have stron opinions on topics.
They know how to make money and are proud only 5-10 % of the population is rationals.
their symbols are lions,fire and John Lennon.

They believe they are always right. this can be difulcult in a group when havinga conversation.
They put forth alot of effort in their assignments.
sometimes they are not in tune with the world.
don't always think of the best interests of others such as their friends.
not good at telling people how they feel.

artisans are crafters one kid of craft they do is painting.
sometime they will ignore a conflict such as a fight between friends.) instead of solving the issue at hand.
they make up 35-40 percent of t he population. one famous artisanis elvis presley, winston churchill.
they are known for building relationships.

Introverts V.S extroverts
introverts are quiet in a group they wouldn't talk as much they would listen to the others. When in a groups of new people they would not walk right up to a new person and start talking. They are shy. Extroverts are the opposite of introverts. They are chatty and enjoy talking to new people they have never met. In a crowd they would introduce themselves to new people and start chatting. That is the big difference between the two.

How large a part does personality play in who you are? Explain.
personality plays a huge part in who i am. For example, when you think of a personality you think of people you know who have that personality. If a teacher says a certain personality trait such as quiet or enthusiastic; then a student might think of me because they know i am a quiet person; Or because they know i am enthusiastic about writing, reading or just in general. i think That with out a specific personality you aren't you. For example, in a show someone a kid admires a that their friend is funny. So they try to be funny as well but, that's not their strong suit. so, it doesn't work out. The kids who tries to be funny has now lost themselves. This is an example of how a person a tries to change their personality. plus I like my personality and I think t fits me. in other words with out my personality i'm not me. personality makes a person who they are. So it does effect me and who i am in a big way.

In schooling, should students be grouped homogeneously (same personality, backgrounds, skills) or heterogeneously (different personalities, abilities, cultures)? Why?
There are pluses and minuses to having kids being grouped by the same personality type. For the most part they will agree with each other most of the time.(as we did with our project.) The student may be able to stay focused a lot of the time. but, I think it is also a good idea to have students with with kids they haven't worked with/much before. this way they get a chance t meet new kids and share ideas; compare and contrast. A student could learn/ try something they had never learned before. on the other hand as one group said in their power point they like to be right and that can cause arguments. so in conclusion i think that a teacher should do both work with the same personalities and different personalities. i don't have an answer that's one or the other so i'm compromising and saying both.

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