Friday, October 17, 2008

the art of andy Warhol and my choosing

Here is why i chose andy warhol. originally i wanted to do my project on Erin Gruel. she was the teacher to the kids who wrote the freedom writers, but the issue was she is too modern. Our teacher gave us a paper on N.H.D's topic for this year. It mentioned an artist; this made me think of doing an artist for my project.I wanted to do an artist but not the one mentioned in the paper.I decided to do Andy Warhol. The reason I chose andy Warhol are;I like his art, there are debates about whether his paintings are art.(I thought that would make a good point in my presentation). The judges would hopefully be interested in the debate of "are his paintings art. Secondly, I thought they would like that this person is not typical for N.H,D. The competitors usually do people such as, Theodore Roosevelt,Martin Luther king jr. Amelia Airheart. one of the presidents. The third 3rd reason I chose him is he started pop art.i think when your t he person who started something you are important and trying to make a clear statement. That is why i chose andy warhol.

1 comment:

Mr. Ackerman said...

Good work.

Try to include more information, such as facts or quotes you will use from the sources.

Also, you need to include two annotation posts.