Thursday, December 13, 2007

should Huckle Berry Finn be taught in schools?

Our Next Lesson is... the adventures of Huckle berry Finn

To a lot of people it is debatable to teach Huckle Berry Finn. But in my class we’re reading It. If you told me we weren’t reading it I’d be mad. So here’s why it should be taught.
My first reason is the story is a challenge compared to other books 9th graders read. It can be hard to understand. The narrator speak understandable English. At one point Jim says, “How you gwyne to git’m you can’t slip on em.” It’s not easy to under stand what their saying. It’s the natural way people in the South talk. They say things like at one point the dad asks to Huck Finn” why didn’t you roust me out?” It’s challenging because some parts of the book don’t make sense One moment Huck’s riding with Jim and then all of a sudden their on a ship with two unknown the book says he flung a bag of some thing. It was Packard and then bill comes.” Also Huck said his dad was following the boat (the dad is dead)
My second reason is the book is exciting; especially in chapter 18 when there’s a fight. Huck hides in a hollow tree during the fight. When he comes out he says,” when I got out the tree and found two bodies lay in the river. Then there was the time Huck put a snake on Jim. When Jim realized the snake was on him jumped up yelling. He told me to chop off the head.
My third reason Is Huck makes a lot of choices. He chooses to run away from his caregiver Miss Watson. Miss Watson makes him clean up, pray, and wear stiff clothes. He decides to spare Jim. “wel I believe you. I run off” “Jim” “It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself and go humble to a nigger.” Is a major line at the end of chapter 15.
These are the reasons to read the book. It’s just a fun exciting, book that will challenge you a little. and to think out side the box It’s telling you slavery is bad from the voice of a little boy but secretly form the author mark twain.

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