Wednesday, December 19, 2007

should parents be allowed to hit their kid?

Why I ought to hit you? Maybe not

One day saw a commercial my mom’s company made. The screen showed an oven with a pot. The narrator said,” to you this is a place where you cook your dinner to some it is a place to teach a lesson.” Hitting is just the beginning to child abuse. SO here are the reason’s you shouldn’t consider hitting a kid.
Hitting a kid can be considered child abuse because any kind hurtful/harmful action is abuse. My mom never hits me and I am a good kid. Especially since she works for a company to prevent child abuse. The company also tries to help families stop abusing their kids.
As a part of my mom’s jobs she knows there are alternatives to hitting/ hurting your kid. Not all the alternatives are sunshine and daisies. Such as being grounded, for younger kids timeouts, you can always take away special privileges for example not TV for a certain time period or no dessert t for some time or just t ell them no but give a reason. The simplest alternative is talking it out. When my mom and me have an issue she talks it out.
There are always examples of real life situations in books Like The Adventures of Hackle Berry Finn. In chapter 6 Huck’s dad takes Huck to a cabin where they live. In the chapter the dad hits Huck for example, Huck says,” he tanned me so much” the dad thrashed Huck for going to school.
So in conclusion you shouldn’t hit a kid it hurts them hurting them is abuse. It sometimes makes the kid afraid of the person. Also there are other ways to resolve a conflict. Hitting is not the way to fix issues. Abuse can make a kid wind up behave badly and it doesn’t help.

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