Wednesday, December 19, 2007

should parents be allowed to hit their kid?

Why I ought to hit you? Maybe not

One day saw a commercial my mom’s company made. The screen showed an oven with a pot. The narrator said,” to you this is a place where you cook your dinner to some it is a place to teach a lesson.” Hitting is just the beginning to child abuse. SO here are the reason’s you shouldn’t consider hitting a kid.
Hitting a kid can be considered child abuse because any kind hurtful/harmful action is abuse. My mom never hits me and I am a good kid. Especially since she works for a company to prevent child abuse. The company also tries to help families stop abusing their kids.
As a part of my mom’s jobs she knows there are alternatives to hitting/ hurting your kid. Not all the alternatives are sunshine and daisies. Such as being grounded, for younger kids timeouts, you can always take away special privileges for example not TV for a certain time period or no dessert t for some time or just t ell them no but give a reason. The simplest alternative is talking it out. When my mom and me have an issue she talks it out.
There are always examples of real life situations in books Like The Adventures of Hackle Berry Finn. In chapter 6 Huck’s dad takes Huck to a cabin where they live. In the chapter the dad hits Huck for example, Huck says,” he tanned me so much” the dad thrashed Huck for going to school.
So in conclusion you shouldn’t hit a kid it hurts them hurting them is abuse. It sometimes makes the kid afraid of the person. Also there are other ways to resolve a conflict. Hitting is not the way to fix issues. Abuse can make a kid wind up behave badly and it doesn’t help.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

should Huckle Berry Finn be taught in schools?

Our Next Lesson is... the adventures of Huckle berry Finn

To a lot of people it is debatable to teach Huckle Berry Finn. But in my class we’re reading It. If you told me we weren’t reading it I’d be mad. So here’s why it should be taught.
My first reason is the story is a challenge compared to other books 9th graders read. It can be hard to understand. The narrator speak understandable English. At one point Jim says, “How you gwyne to git’m you can’t slip on em.” It’s not easy to under stand what their saying. It’s the natural way people in the South talk. They say things like at one point the dad asks to Huck Finn” why didn’t you roust me out?” It’s challenging because some parts of the book don’t make sense One moment Huck’s riding with Jim and then all of a sudden their on a ship with two unknown the book says he flung a bag of some thing. It was Packard and then bill comes.” Also Huck said his dad was following the boat (the dad is dead)
My second reason is the book is exciting; especially in chapter 18 when there’s a fight. Huck hides in a hollow tree during the fight. When he comes out he says,” when I got out the tree and found two bodies lay in the river. Then there was the time Huck put a snake on Jim. When Jim realized the snake was on him jumped up yelling. He told me to chop off the head.
My third reason Is Huck makes a lot of choices. He chooses to run away from his caregiver Miss Watson. Miss Watson makes him clean up, pray, and wear stiff clothes. He decides to spare Jim. “wel I believe you. I run off” “Jim” “It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself and go humble to a nigger.” Is a major line at the end of chapter 15.
These are the reasons to read the book. It’s just a fun exciting, book that will challenge you a little. and to think out side the box It’s telling you slavery is bad from the voice of a little boy but secretly form the author mark twain.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


11/7/07 In re: Gault -- Panel Intervview at the Constitution Center

Last Wednsday, at the ConstituionCenter, I went to a special event. It was about Gerald Gault who 40 years ago had a court case that ended up getting all kids the right to a lawyer. When he was fifteen, Gault was sentenced for prank phone calls he didn't even make. He was arrested. Back then kids didn't have the rights that grownups did. When kids were arrested the police and courts did have to had comply with the 14th Amendment. He filed a habeas corpus petition which went up to the Supreme Court. It was an 8 to 1 decision and the Court said that kids have the right to counsel, a lawyer in court, and the right to notice which says what you have been accused of, and the other rights that adults had.

The event was set up like a panel or an interview. There was a lady from NPR, GeraldGault, Joane Epps, and Hilary T, and ELizabeth Scott among one other member. It was a very interesting. In Hilary T" she wrote obsene words on a My Space
she meant it as a joke but was not taken lightly. She was taken to a detention center. When she was taken to the court she asked for the right to counsel (a lawyer).

At the end, there were questions. When it was over, I GOT TO MEET GERLAD GAULT UP CLOSE AND PERSONALLY. We shook hands and I told of a project I did last year about due process and how I was working on a project about searches and seizures in kids lockers. Gerald said that when he was a kid they searched kids lockers and even confiscated what they found. IT WAS A VERY COOL FUN NIGHT. This is helpful to kids so that they don't go to jail unless there is a good reason and a fair process.



Thursday, November 1, 2007

Scientist Wanted Poster


Science Poster

On wednesday Nov. 7th the constitution center will be having an event about the constitution and kids who have gone to jail. to me It sounds really interesting.I sunds like it's talking about how people are protected when a crime is commmitted.Last year at my old school we had a book called we the lesson talked about when you have a court case what your alowed to do adn what is considered a serious of the examples was about Geradl gault and how he was tried and the case was done wrong.Sadly I don't remember all the specifics but that's what I think it was about from the lesson. There wil be others speakers at the assembly if this sounds interesting to you then go.

Photo Distortion

photos change how things look in real life.I saw a picture of a a street near a graveyard you'd never knew it was near one.There was a car you couldn't tell wheteher it was coming near you or going away.some poeple thought it was near a city while others thought it was near a ne gussed it was near a cememtary.This is one example of distortion.

freedom vs. security

Which is more important security/freedom?

Are you a great mind when it comes to government? Lets see. I think to have a government that works well people need both freedom and security. There is no trait that is more important when it comes to ruling a government. After doing the Ichip simulation I found this to be truer then when we started this simulation. Here are three reasons for this opinion.

The First reason freedom is important in having a workable government is If we took away our right to speak out and give opinions or protest the government could do whatever they feel like. In a case like that no one would have a say. Another example is in the I chip simulation the citizen group was protesting against the I chip and the president ripped up one of the signs, sign threw it on the ground and stamped on it. In hat example the citizen’s freedom of speech was taken away. In this example it may not seem like a big deal but if you can never say what you think it becomes a big deal.

Another example is the case of Shay VS the U.S. In that case Shay was protesting against the Ichip and in the spur of the moment to the president shay said, “ I’m going blow up the your house.”(A.k.a. the white house) the president threw shay in jail. shay was taken to court. She was innocent because 1 she didn’t have an actual plan to blow up the white house. 2 In amendment one it stated congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there of; the freedom of speech.

The reason that security is important is to help with security. The ichip can help protect us from Terrorists. Terrorists can be anywhere for example Wanda was a terrorist and no one didn’t knew that she was until shay’s court case. So the government’s job will be to make sure no citizens are in harm. One example is make sure Terrorists don’t attack again like they did on 9/11.That’s where the ichip come in.

The ichip is mainly positive with all the help it can do for the citizens such as, protecting us from the any harm mainly terrorists. On the negative side people who don’t get the ichip are questioned if their answers seem suspicious their are watched very closely b y the government. Which invades a person’s privacy. The government shouldn’t invade any ones privacy .Another issue is the terrorists can get the ichip with out any one knowing. That would be the next issue the ichip would have to fix.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Note About My Essay

Dear reader
First, I would love to say the whole paper is great, but 1 I’m not suppose to do that. So, on a scale of one to four (four meaning best) I rate part of this essay a 2 (not good). I can’t say it’s all great. So I will only call attention to the introduction and conclusion. I have a hook in my intro- something to make you want to read my paper. I have a good conclusion to wrap up of the whole paper. So I scored the conclusions and intro a four. In addition, my transitions are on point. I used “first of all, secondly, finally, and in conclusion.”
In other words, this paper still requires work, but the intro and conclusion ROCK!

Julia fusco

Cat in the Hat Analysis

The Meaning of the Cat in the Hat

Most stories have a secret meaning. I bet you never thought The Cat in the Hat did. The most important characters in this story are surprisingly the kids for they are making the message true. The message is that at times everyone has difficulty controlling their id. That does not mean the kids are the most important characters in terms of moving the plot along; that is the cat. Here are my reasons why.
First of all, in the story the cat represents the id. A psychological definition for the id is: the totally unconscious part of the brain that serves as the source of instinctual impulses and demands immediate satisfaction of primitive desires. The cat acts like the id by having fun all the time. He causes trouble while in the house by spilling a bottle of milk, putting their toys in a cake, and breaking a rake. Another example is he plays a game called “up, up, up with a fish” while he balances on a ball. When he’s playing the game with the fish and balancing on the ball, he falls down and so do all the toys, milk, cake and of course the fish. This causes big a ruckus because all the toys fall to the ground with a crash.
Secondly, the cat ends up fighting with the fish. “No, no, no” the fish says to the cat who is trying to have fun. When the id takes control this is what happens. Of course the fish disagrees with the cat because he is the superego. One of the psychological terms for the superego is: the moral part of a person that develops due to the moral and ethical restraints placed by our caregivers. Suddenly the kids are in conflict with the angel and the devil or the cat and the fish.
Finally, the cat’s attitude changes when the narrator catches him in a net. It shows the narrator knows what side he is on. In the end, the cat realizes that he can be an ego. A person’s ego finds a balance between the id’s primitive drive and the superego’s morals and reality. The cat changes by cleaning up the mess he made but still being creative in cleaning up the mess with a machine of his.
In conclusion, occasionally we want to let our id take control and then someone bursts your bubble by being the superego saying, “no, no, no you can’t do that you have to behave.” A simple solution is become an ego then you can have fun but not out of control. That is Seuss’ secret message. Have enough composure to behave while having fun. It’s even expected from teachers in the classroom.