Tuesday, March 4, 2008

service learning ideas

Constitution high school is starting service learning projects. It is a big project all the students must brainstorm five to six ideas of what we want to do for the school project. The requirements are to do a school project and 15 hours of service. For my school project i'm thinking of making nice for recycling bins that i will put around the school. In the bins I would recycle paper and plastic items. There would be two be separate bins for the paper items and the plastic.The paper items would recycle are: paper,toilet paper rolls, card board containers etc.
Plastic is elf explanatory any plastic items would go in the bins.I would check about plastic wrappers. Another school idea is I could help tutor.I could pick up trash around the school.I could assist any teachers in doing errands.

I already do service project such as help my uncle every sunday I babysit his son for four hours who is autistic,For my fifteen hours of service I sometimes work for my uncle in his office that would be an option. Another option is to babysit every sunday and count that as fifteen hours after a certain amount of Sundays. plus I could babysit other kids.I could do work for my mom and her job.
one project would be to do service hours at Ronald mcDonald house.This summer I baked for Ronald McDoanld house since their oven broke .One night i made puppets there. I know that Ronald Mcdonald house is a place where families can stay when they have a kids that is sick or having surgery.I could do research on who started Ronald Mconald house or what kind of surgery they treat.
My other idea is similar i could do service hours at C.H.O.P. I could call and see if my audiologist needs help in her department.Or if she has any suggestions on project I can do.I have a lot I do there. So they probably would let me help. There is so much I can research about C.H.O.P and hospitals specifically.
The last idea is pick up trash around my neighborhood or the school neighborhood.I could research what trash is the most harmful to the enviorment

I would like to work on a recycling project for the school and places in my neighborhood if that would be an okay project. I could make it bigger and research recycling materials. Plus my family just started to recycling things like paper and paper towels, box containers,food containers and many reusable items.It makes me feel good to see how much were recycling(high five to the great start on my family project.)

I Thought for the fifteen hours of service I could work/help out at Ronald Mcdonald house. This summer I baked food like coffee cake etc for them since they were redoing their kitchen. I also made puppets one night as a fun activity. For the research part I could research when Ronald Mcdonald started and who started it as well as some of the things they help kids with.I know that Ronald Mcdonald is a place where kids and their families can stay while a kid is seriously sick or having surgery. A suggestion they have is take the kids on an outing like to the zoo.Or just play with them and have fun. Just make sure they have fun.So maybe i'll take one or two kids to the zoo or a movie.

Another idea I have is very similar. I would put in my hours at CHOP since I go there a lot for hearing and growth hormone tests as well as other tests. I think they might be glad to have me help. I could help in the audiology department.
p.s you can let me know if these are good ideas. These are just my first ideas. i'll try to come up with more ideas. sorry this letter is so long and that i added the icons.
We also have to do a school wide project, and I am going to be helping out with a group of kids from Constitution High School they are calling the group Franks for Frankie. The kids i'm working with are going to sell hot dog. there will also be activities for kids. We are going to raise money.We are going to have a teacher to supervise the groups and we get to choose who the teacher it is similar to what the school did for national history Day.Hopefully we can work this all out this kind of project is easier said than done. But with group effort i bet we can get it done.

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